Sunday, February 24, 2013


One of the best things about my favorite blogs and websites, is that they have new content every day. I noticed over time that if a site doesn't post anything for a few days in a row, I stop going to the site. That's probably not very nice on my part (slaps hands vigorously). However, I believe that these sites are dedicated to the viewer, these folks are the customer. Internet customers want content, and lots of it. I know I do.

So, I'm going to try and post something new every day. Right now I have a backlog of old pictures and sketches that I want to post. Once I start working on Black Hole Cafe #3, I'll have plenty of warm up sketches to post. 

Also, if any of these pictures are for sale, I'll post that too. 

This is a sketch I submitted to Mark Millar's website. A few years back he was running a contest. He wanted to create a collection of short one page scifi / horror bits. I don't know if he ever followed up. I never heard anything back about it, so I assumed, as usual that it sucked. (Insert silent weeping) My brother did an amazing colored version of this for me. If I can find it on one of my backups I'll post it as well. 

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