I just digitally published the first two issues of Black Hole Cafe with Graphicly. I expect them to available to all digital comic outlets, except Comixology, within the next two weeks. Comixology will be accepting independent submissions soon.
It's hard to believe that it's been almost two years since I started this comic. I plan to order printed copies of the book as soon as possible. However, I don't have a plan to distribute in paper just yet. More to come on that.
Initially, my idea was to create a graphic novel broken into four parts. However, I as go along I realize that more stories keep coming up in my head. So far, I have enough story to finish the first four parter, and then another four after that. We'll see how it goes from there.
I won't post a lot of the finished artwork here, at least not at first. The idea of this blog is to document the process of creating the comic. I've always loved hearing an artist or musician's thoughts about their personal process. So, you'll see a lot of sketches and unfinished pages here.
And since I like to constantly contradict myself, here are the finished covers for issue #1 and #2. :)
As a small child hunched over the comic rack at the local gas station, I always hated how the cover sometimes did not have much to do with the story. I realize now that I'm older, the cover is more for marketing than conveying a story. It's used to grab attention. I get that now, even though I still feel like it's one of those trailers that shows a scene you never get to see in the movie. Still, I wanted to have a strong graphic element to my covers. It's a theme that gets used throughout my books that I hope to expand upon.
Let me know what you think
- TF
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