Thursday, March 7, 2013


Since yesterday's post was about thumbnails, I figured I would go with a similar theme and talk about storyboards.

Storyboards are typically created for movies, cartoons, commericals, etc., in order to give the director and producers a visual representation of the script. it shows the action and gives direction for framing shots.

Storyboards can be as simple as stick figures in boxes, or as complicated as fully animated test reels. Even though it's not necessary to make storyboards look great, many have turned it into an art form unto itself. 

I dabbled in making short films with some friends of mine for a while, so I had the rare privilege of storyboarding about ninety pages worth of script. It was grueling, but incredibly satisfying. Storyboards are basically comics broken into individual panels, it's all sequential art. 

I feel like I grew a lot as an artist. It required me to draw normal people doing normal things. I have a ton of boards, but I've posted some of my favorites below. Notice that some have arrows. That's to indicate the movement in the shot. Sometimes these are for the actors, but other times they can be for the camera movement. 

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